Thursday, 14 February 2013


We have officially established our self-sustaining eco-column! Our group consists of 3 members, Warwick Reid, Josh Smith and Nicholas Viljoen. We will regularly update you on the latest happenings of our project. We hope you enjoy seeing our eco-column sustaining itself in the following 8 weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to seeing your diagrams, notes and photos. Please ensure that they are all fully up to- to -date by Monday 18 and remember to look at the mark scheme
    Annotated diagram of the DESIGN of the ecocolumn. The notes will explain WHAT you are putting into your ecocolumn and WHY you are putting them into your ecocolumn /5
    Post(s)explaining why you think that your ecosystem will be self –sustaining over an 8 week period. HINT mention both abiotic and biotic factors as EVIDENCE – it can’t just be your opinion you need to back it up with evidence /5
    A photo/video of the stocked ecosystem. The mark will be allocated for well stocked ecocolumn and not just for a clear photo/ video of the ecocolumn).
    Posted information ( including visual evidence) on HOW you stocked it and what type of plants, soil etc you put into the ecocolumn and reasons for this (it may well differ from what you wrote in your design. /5
    Posts are clearly and well expressed yourself , your blog includes your names and has a suitable title, all group members have contributed to the blog (who did what is included) and you have shown evidence of creating and stocking your ecocolumn and research that you have done (links, photos, short extracts that are referenced). /5
