Thursday, 7 March 2013

Changes in the abiotic components

  • We recorded the temperature in the class at 8:50am 2013/02/21. The teperature is 21.5 degrees celcius. 
  • The water in the water zone has created a lot of water vapour in all 3 zones (aqua, terra and decomp). 
  • The water level in our aqua zone is 7,4cm at the moment.


  • The air temperature is 22 degrees Celsius in the room our Eco-column is in recorded at 08:51
  • There is still a lot of water vapour on the sides of our bottles.
  • The water level has stayed exactly the same (7,4cm)


  • The water level has dropped about 1mm, the water has evaporated by means of sunlight and spread to the rest of the eco-column
  • The temparuture in the class room is 25 degrees celcius, this was measured at 11:14am
  • The temparuture of the water is 26 degrees celcius. This was also measured at 11:14am

Other abiotic factors that may be affecting our eco column:

Our eco - column is on the side of the classroom where it will receive a lot of sunlight which will speed up the process of photosynthesis and the growth of plants. The windows and doors are usually open which allows a cold breeze to blow over the eco - column which will cool down the temperature of the water and air inside the eco - column on a warm day.

Who did what?

Measured the temperature of the room
Measured the water temperature
Measured the pH of the water

Measured the water level
Looked at the water under the microscope

General observations
Looked at the soil under the microscopes

This is how we measure the temperature of the room:

This is us measurin the temperature of the water:


  1. The soil in the terra and decomp zones are very wet, displacing oxygen and therfore slowing down the rate of decomposition

  2. Good comment and I like the photos. Would have been easier to read it the data was set out in a table.

  3. Can see nothing added to this one on Tuesday 11 and I struggled to find the post as not named properly nor tagged.
